<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:slash="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/" > <channel> <title>ppa 2023 -</title> <atom:link href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/category/ppa-2023/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org</link> <description>Fun, Friendship, & Fitness!</description> <lastBuildDate>Thu, 31 Oct 2024 13:05:40 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-US</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <generator>https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2</generator> <image> <url>https://i0.wp.com/www.sfapickleball.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-68635040_120151719320912_4091068327827341312_n-1.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1</url> <title>ppa 2023 -</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org</link> <width>32</width> <height>32</height> </image> <site xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">209931697</site> <item> <title>Draw Reveal: Lapiplasty® Pickleball World Championships</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/draw-reveal-lapiplasty-pickleball-world-championships/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 31 Oct 2024 13:05:40 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Championship]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Draw Reveals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Lapiplasty Pickleball World Championships 2024]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/draw-reveal-lapiplasty-pickleball-world-championships/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>The Draw Reveal: Lapiplasty® Pickleball World Championships is kicking off on November 4th and the professional draws for all five divisions of play have officially been released. It’s time to<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/draw-reveal-lapiplasty-pickleball-world-championships/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/draw-reveal-lapiplasty-pickleball-world-championships/">Draw Reveal: Lapiplasty® Pickleball World Championships</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/draw-reveal-lapiplasty-pickleball-world-championships/">Draw Reveal: Lapiplasty® Pickleball World Championships</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <p>The Draw Reveal: Lapiplasty® Pickleball World Championships is kicking off on November 4th and the professional draws for all five divisions of play have officially been released. It’s time to dive into the excitement!</p> <p>As players gear up for intense battles on the court, we invite you to join in the thrill and share your result predictions on social media. To tune into all the action, see the <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/tournament/dallas-tx-pickleball-championships/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">full broadcast schedule</a> and visit <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/tournament/ppa-tour-virginia-beach-va/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">PPA TV on Youtube</a>. Tournament results, updates, and <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/tournament/ppa-tour-atlanta-georgia/">pickleball news</a> are made in real time via the PPA Tour Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts, so follow us there to stay in the loop!</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity"> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Womens Doubles</h4> <div data-wp-interactive="core/file" class="wp-block-file"><object data-wp-bind--hidden="!state.hasPdfPreview" class="wp-block-file__embed" data="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Womens-Pro-Doubles-Main-Draw.pdf" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of Worlds Women's Pro Doubles Main Draw."></object><a id="wp-block-file--media-770c0eff-f18c-4b2b-97e1-64294327f7b9" href="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Womens-Pro-Doubles-Main-Draw.pdf">Worlds Women’s Pro Doubles Main Draw</a></div> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity"> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Mens Doubles</h4> <div data-wp-interactive="core/file" class="wp-block-file"><object data-wp-bind--hidden="!state.hasPdfPreview" class="wp-block-file__embed" data="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Mens-Pro-Doubles-Main-Draw.pdf" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of Worlds Men's Pro Doubles Main Draw."></object><a id="wp-block-file--media-266f733e-26e8-4ef0-81b5-75ae6405c550" href="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Mens-Pro-Doubles-Main-Draw.pdf">Worlds Men’s Pro Doubles Main Draw</a></div> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity"> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Mixed Doubles</h4> <div data-wp-interactive="core/file" class="wp-block-file"><object data-wp-bind--hidden="!state.hasPdfPreview" class="wp-block-file__embed" data="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Mixed-Pro-Doubles-Main-Draw.pdf" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of Worlds Mixed Pro Doubles Main Draw."></object><a id="wp-block-file--media-f0b7fe3f-aa05-496c-b722-ddf0e529dafe" href="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Mixed-Pro-Doubles-Main-Draw.pdf">Worlds Mixed Pro Doubles Main Draw</a></div> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity"> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Womens Singles</h4> <div data-wp-interactive="core/file" class="wp-block-file"><object data-wp-bind--hidden="!state.hasPdfPreview" class="wp-block-file__embed" data="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Womens-Singles-Pro-Main-Draw.pdf" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of Worlds Women's Singles Pro Main Draw."></object><a id="wp-block-file--media-7e6791e9-33c5-43d0-84a6-dbdc6af7b85c" href="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Womens-Singles-Pro-Main-Draw.pdf">Worlds Women’s Singles Pro Main Draw</a></div> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity"> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">Mens Singles</h4> <div data-wp-interactive="core/file" class="wp-block-file"><object data-wp-bind--hidden="!state.hasPdfPreview" class="wp-block-file__embed" data="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Mens-Singles-Pro-Main-Draw.pdf" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of Worlds Men's Singles Pro Main Draw."></object><a id="wp-block-file--media-ce092c88-97fa-4cbb-8a9d-1a3865053f84" href="https://www.ppatour.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Worlds-Mens-Singles-Pro-Main-Draw.pdf">Worlds Men’s Singles Pro Main Draw</a></div> <p>The post <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/draw-reveal-lapiplasty-pickleball-world-championships/">Draw Reveal: Lapiplasty® Pickleball World Championships</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/draw-reveal-lapiplasty-pickleball-world-championships/">Draw Reveal: Lapiplasty® Pickleball World Championships</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">4575</post-id> </item> <item> <title>Picklr Utah Open Championship Sunday Preview, from the Stats Desk </title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/picklr-utah-open-championship-sunday-preview-from-the-stats-desk/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 25 Aug 2024 13:44:32 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Championship]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Championship Sunday]]></category> <category><![CDATA[championship sunday stats desk]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[picklr utah open]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[The Picklr Utah Open 2024]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[utah open]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/picklr-utah-open-championship-sunday-preview-from-the-stats-desk/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>===== MEN’S SINGLES ===== #1 FEDERICO STAKSRUD: #2 CONNOR GARNETT: Bronze: #27 Hunter Johnson: #14 Rafa Hewett: ===== WOMEN’S SINGLES ===== #4 KAITLYN CHRISTIAN: #14 KATE FAHEY: Bronze: #6 Judit<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/picklr-utah-open-championship-sunday-preview-from-the-stats-desk/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/picklr-utah-open-championship-sunday-preview-from-the-stats-desk/">Picklr Utah Open Championship Sunday Preview, from the Stats Desk </a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/picklr-utah-open-championship-sunday-preview-from-the-stats-desk/">Picklr Utah Open Championship Sunday Preview, from the Stats Desk </a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>===== MEN’S SINGLES =====</strong></h4> <p><strong>#1 FEDERICO STAKSRUD:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Has earned a medal in every tournament this year except Kansas City. (5 gold, 8 silver, and one bronze)</li> <li>Beat Yates and Hunter Johnson in back-to-back matches.</li> <li>Beat Garnett in the final at the Indoor Championships in March, 11-2 in the third.</li> <li>0-5 against Ben Johns in title matches this year… 5-3 against everyone else.</li> <li>His nine career men’s singles titles are second only to Ben Johns.</li> <li>His nine career titles have come in finals against nine different players. This is his first opportunity to beat the same player twice in the finals.</li> </ul> <p><strong>#2 CONNOR GARNETT:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Won the Los Angeles Open in April, vs Federico Staksrud, 11-4 in the third.</li> <li>Won his second career title in Kansas City, against Tyson McGuffin. Authored a rare “golden pickle” in Game One of that match.</li> <li>#3 ranked player on Tour. </li> </ul> <p><strong>Bronze: </strong></p> <p><strong>#27 Hunter Johnson: </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Has a silver and a bronze from the fall of 2022.</li> <li>Notable: Beat two champions, Dylan Frazier and Chris Haworth, to get here.</li> </ul> <p><strong>#14 Rafa Hewett: </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Won a silver medal at the Atlanta Open in 2022, losing to Federico Staksrud- that was Fed’s first PPA title.</li> <li>Beat #3 seed and six-time PPA champion Tyson McGuffin in the Round of 16.</li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>===== WOMEN’S SINGLES =====</strong></h4> <p><strong>#4 KAITLYN CHRISTIAN: </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Has two silvers (Bristol and Austin) and three bronzes this year.</li> <li>Lost to Brooke Buckner in the final in Bristol. She was up in Game Three 6-4 at the changeover, lost that game 11-7. That silver was her first PPA medal.</li> <li>Needed three games to beat Chao Yi Wang in the semis.</li> <li>Ranked number seven on Tour.</li> </ul> <p><strong>#14 KATE FAHEY:</strong> </p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Beat number three seed Salome Devidze in the Round of 16.</li> <li>Lost to Brooke Buckner in the final in Kansas City. She was up in Game Three 6-5 at the changeover, lost that game 11-8. That silver was her first PPA medal.</li> <li>Was the #31 seed last week, now #14.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bronze: </strong></p> <p><strong>#6 Judit Castillo: </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Won a bronze in Orange County in June.</li> <li>Won two bronzes in 2023, in Orange County and Denver.</li> </ul> <p><strong>#11 Chao Yi Wang:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Beat number two seed Mary Brascia in the quarterfinals.</li> <li>Lost to Kaitlyn Christian 11-7 in the third game of the semifinals.</li> <li>Won her first PPA medal last week in Bristol, a bronze.</li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>===== MIXED DOUBLES =====</strong></h4> <p><strong>#1 ANNA BRIGHT and JAMES IGNATOWICH </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>They have five silver medals this year, including a stretch of three of four PPA events.</li> <li>Are 0-8 in finals since winning the Red Rock Open in April 2023. (0-7 vs Waters/Johns, 0-1 vs Etta Wright/Johns)</li> </ul> <p><strong>#6 JESSIE IRVINE and GABE TARDIO: </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Beat the #2 seeds, Jorja and JW Johnson in the quarterfinals, 11-6, 11-8.</li> <li>Irvine’s first Mixed final in two days short of a year, at Kansas City with Riley Newman.</li> <li>Irvine’s three Mixed Doubles titles are from 2021 and 2022.</li> <li>Tardio’s first Mixed Doubles medal, and first Mixed Doubles final.</li> <li>Tardio won a Men’s Doubles title just two weeks ago in Kansas City with Fed Staksrud.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bronze: </strong></p> <p><strong>#22 Mari Humberg/Pablo Tellez: </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Beat three higher seeds, including number four Tina Pisnik and Dekel Bar.</li> <li>Humberg has two Women’s Doubles bronze medals this year, most recently two weeks ago in Kansas City.</li> <li>Trying to earn her first Mixed Doubles medal.</li> <li>Tellez has a Men’s Doubles silver and bronze across the last three tournaments.</li> <li>Tellez is trying for his first Mixed Doubles medal.</li> </ul> <p><strong>#23 Mary Brascia/Jaume Martinez Vich: </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Beat three higher seeds, including number three Vivienne David and Yates Johnson.</li> <li>Brascia has a Singles title this year, now she’s trying to earn her first Mixed Doubles medal.</li> <li>Martinez Vich won a bronze last week with Jackie Kawamoto.</li> <li>Martinez Vich has two silvers and a bronze in Men’s Doubles this year.</li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>===== MEN’S DOUBLES =====</strong></h4> <p><strong>#3 JAMES IGNATOWICH and MATT WRIGHT:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Won a bronze together at the PPA Finals last December. That was Ignatowich’s last Men’s Doubles medal.</li> <li>Wright has a gold (Austin) and two silvers this year.</li> <li>Wright has 20 total PPA gold medals, third all-time among men behind the Johns brothers.</li> <li>Wright and Ben Johns are the only two players to win at least one title every year since 2020. (Kovalova, Newman and McGuffin are eligible for that feat)</li> </ul> <p><strong>#8 ANDREI DAESCU and GABE TARDIO:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Survived a wild semifinal, needing four match points and defending one to win 13-11 in the third game against Hayden Patriquin and Pablo Tellez.</li> <li>This team won silvers at the Red Rock Open and at Mesa.</li> <li>Beat the Johns brothers twice this year (Mesa Round of 16 and Red Rock Semis)</li> <li>Daescu won a gold with Matt Wright at the Austin Open.</li> <li>Tardio won the Kansas City Open with Federico Staksrud.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bronze: </strong></p> <p><strong>#6 Augie Ge/Federico Staksrud: </strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Beat the number two seeds, Dekel Bar and Collin Johns, in the quarterfinals.</li> <li>Ge broke through at the North Carolina Cup, winning a silver with Jaume Martinez Vich.</li> <li>Staksrud won two of the last four tournaments, playing with Gabe Tardio and Hayden Patriquin.</li> </ul> <p><strong>#5 Hayden Patriquin/Pablo Tellez:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Had a match point in the semifinal, but lost the third game 13-11 to Andrei Daescu and Gabe Tardio.</li> <li>This team won a silver at the Orange County Cup in June.</li> <li>Patriquin has gold-silver-bronze in three of the last four tournaments.</li> <li>Tellez split up with partner Federico Staksrud after earning a silver in Houston in April. </li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>===== WOMEN’S DOUBLES =====</strong></h4> <p><strong>#1 ANNA BRIGHT and RACHEL ROHRABACHER:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>They have three silvers this year, including last week at Bristol.</li> <li>They won four titles together during a five-tournament run in March and April. </li> <li>Beat Parenteau and Waters in four games for the Austin Open title in March, that team’s only loss.</li> </ul> <p><strong>#9 MARI HUMBERG and JORJA JOHNSON:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Beat the number two seed, Meghan Dizon and Etta Wright, in the semis. </li> <li>Humberg is in the bronze medal match in Mixed Doubles.</li> <li>They beat two higher seeds along the way, including the third seeds and Utah combo of Allyce Jone and Callie Smith.</li> <li>Humberg and Johnson have two bronze medals this year, most recently two weeks ago in Kansas City, and also at Mesa in February.</li> <li>Johnson has been in a final before; Humberg has not.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bronze: </strong></p> <p><strong>#2 Meghan Dizon/Etta Wright:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>They have two silvers and three bronzes this year.</li> <li>2023 Red Rock Open champions.</li> <li>Dizon lives 12 miles from here, Wright 30.</li> </ul> <p><strong>#4 Jackie Kawamoto/Lucy Kovalova:</strong></p> <ul class="wp-block-list"> <li>Convincing win over the Brascia sisters in the quarterfinals, 11-4, 11-2.</li> <li>Kawamoto won a Mixed Doubles bronze medal with Christian Alshon at the Houston Open this year.</li> <li>Kawamoto won a silver at the Houston Open with Vivienne David.</li> <li>Kovalova has two silver medals this year. Her last title was at Newport Beach in April 2023. (All of those with Callie Smith)</li> <li>Kovalova has 21 Women’s Doubles gold medals, third all-time behind Anna Leigh Waters and Catherine Parenteau.</li> <li>Kovalova is a trailblazer: She won the first-ever PPA Women’s Doubles tournament on record, the Mesa Grand Slam in February of 2020, playing with Simone Jardim.</li> <li>Kovalova needs a title of any type this year to join Matt Wright and Ben Johns as the only two players to win at least one title every year since 2020. (Riley Newman and Tyson McGuffin are also eligible for that feat)</li> </ul> <p>The post <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/picklr-utah-open-championship-sunday-preview-from-the-stats-desk/">Picklr Utah Open Championship Sunday Preview, from the Stats Desk </a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/picklr-utah-open-championship-sunday-preview-from-the-stats-desk/">Picklr Utah Open Championship Sunday Preview, from the Stats Desk </a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">4024</post-id> </item> <item> <title>STORYLINES FOR THE VEOLIA HOUSTON OPEN PRESENTED BY JUST COURTS</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/storylines-for-the-veolia-houston-open-presented-by-just-courts/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 09 Apr 2024 14:07:00 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Anna Bright]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Ben Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Connor Garnett]]></category> <category><![CDATA[DJ Young]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Dylan Frazier]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[houston open]]></category> <category><![CDATA[James Ignatowich]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Mary Brascia]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Rachel Rohrabacher]]></category> <category><![CDATA[storylines]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[veolia]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Veolia Houston Open 2024]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Yates Johnson]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/storylines-for-the-veolia-houston-open-presented-by-just-courts/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>OVERALL TOP 5: VENUE/TOURNEY/TV: WOMEN’S SINGLES: MEN’S SINGLES: MIXED DOUBLES: WOMEN’S DOUBLES: MEN’S DOUBLES:</p> <p>The post <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/storylines-for-the-veolia-houston-open-presented-by-just-courts/">STORYLINES FOR THE VEOLIA HOUSTON OPEN PRESENTED BY JUST COURTS</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/storylines-for-the-veolia-houston-open-presented-by-just-courts/">STORYLINES FOR THE VEOLIA HOUSTON OPEN PRESENTED BY JUST COURTS</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">OVERALL TOP 5:</h4> <ul> <li>TRIPLE PLAY: Ben Johns grabbed his first triple crown of 2024 in NC, can he go back-to-back?</li> <li>ALW101 WILL HAVE TO WAIT: Anna Leigh Waters and Catherine Parenteau are sitting out the PPA schedule until Atlanta.</li> <li>WEEKEND PLANS: Second of 4 straight weekends with PPA tournament action.</li> <li>SETTING THE BAR: Dekel Bar looks to continue his hot play with Thomas Wilson and Tina Pisnik as partners. </li> <li>HOUSTON, WE HAVE NO PROBLEMS: Exciting debut for the PPA in Houston. </li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">VENUE/TOURNEY/TV:</h4> <ul> <li>Event #7 of the year – one of 15 Opens in 2024, with 1000 points up for grabs for the winners. </li> <li>Traditional Draw (singles on Thursday, mixed Friday, women’s and men’s doubles Saturday, finals Sunday).</li> <li>No defending medalists as it’s the first tourney in Houston. </li> <li>Coverage on Prime Video, PickleballTV, and Tennis Channel (on Sunday). </li> <li>Broadcast start times are noon Eastern Thursday through Sunday. </li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">WOMEN’S SINGLES:</h4> <ul> <li>Welcome to the number 1 seed Mary Brascia. </li> <li>Can the 2 seed Lea Jansen grab gold after a great battle with ALW in NC?</li> <li>Texas was good to Kaitlyn Christian (7) who grabbed silver in Austin – is Houston her final breakthrough?</li> <li>WATCH OUT FOR: Parris Todd (6) – her seed will continue to climb as she plays and earns more points. </li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">MEN’S SINGLES:</h4> <ul> <li>Ben Johns (1) looks for a 4<sup>th</sup> straight title (he skipped Minnesota). </li> <li>Youngster Cason Campbell (21), hat askew, looks to make another deep run. </li> <li>Martinez Vich (6) vs. Joseph (9) is a potential barnburner of a round of 16 matchup. </li> <li>WATCH OUT FOR: Federico Staksrud (2) – unbelievable consistency – can he make a 7<sup>th</sup> consecutive singles final?</li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">MIXED DOUBLES:</h4> <ul> <li>Bright/Ignatowich (1) look to rebound from a disappointing performance in Cary, NC. </li> <li>Dizon and Bellamy (16) have lots of firepower – is this Roscoe’s breakthrough?</li> <li>Maggie Brascia and Julian Arnold (13) – Maggie arrives in Houston after a semifinal run in mixed in NC with Todd Fought. </li> <li>WATCH OUT FOR: Former Seattle Pioneer partners and MLP Champions Etta Wright and Ben Johns (2) as they reunite.</li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">WOMEN’S DOUBLES:</h4> <ul> <li>Rachel Rohrabacher and Anna Bright (1) were upset in NC but carry the 1 into Houston. </li> <li>Lacy Schneemann, finalist in NC, pairs with fellow California resident Jessie Irvine (5). </li> <li>Callie Smith and Lucy Kovalova (2) – separate over the last few tourneys but back together. </li> <li>WATCH OUT FOR: Vivienne David/Jackie Kawamoto (4) – great blend of offense and defense that could challenge for a title. </li> </ul> <h4 class="wp-block-heading">MEN’S DOUBLES:</h4> <ul> <li>Connor Garnett and new dad DJ Young could dazzle as the 6 seed. </li> <li>Interesting 4 seed in Yates Johnson and Dylan Frazier. </li> <li>Wright/Ignatowich (2) have yet to reach a final – will this be the one?</li> <li>WATCH OUT FOR: Dekel Bar and Thomas Wilson, two Austin area natives looking for gold down the road in Houston.</li> </ul> <p>The post <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/storylines-for-the-veolia-houston-open-presented-by-just-courts/">STORYLINES FOR THE VEOLIA HOUSTON OPEN PRESENTED BY JUST COURTS</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/storylines-for-the-veolia-houston-open-presented-by-just-courts/">STORYLINES FOR THE VEOLIA HOUSTON OPEN PRESENTED BY JUST COURTS</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3924</post-id> </item> <item> <title>The ABC’s* of 2023</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/the-abcs-of-2023/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:33:33 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[All-Access]]></category> <category><![CDATA[alw]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Anna Leigh Waters]]></category> <category><![CDATA[anna leigh waters and ben johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Ben Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Championship]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[gold medal]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023 gold medals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[triple crown]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/the-abcs-of-2023/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>*Anna Leigh and Ben’s Championships (PPA Tour events only) ANNA LEIGH WATERS: Medals: Anna Leigh’s 47 medals in 2023 were all gold medals. She averaged 2.76 gold medals per tournament<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/the-abcs-of-2023/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/the-abcs-of-2023/">The ABC’s* of 2023</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/the-abcs-of-2023/">The ABC’s* of 2023</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <p>*<strong>A</strong>nna Leigh and <strong>B</strong>en’s <strong>C</strong>hampionships</p> <p><em>(PPA Tour events only)</em></p> <h5 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>ANNA LEIGH WATERS:</strong></h5> <p><strong>Medals:</strong> Anna Leigh’s 47 medals in 2023 were all gold medals. She averaged 2.76 gold medals per tournament played in 2023. </p> <p><strong>Singles:</strong> Waters won 14 times in 17 tournaments. The gold medal matches were against four different opponents. The three times she did <em>not </em>reach the finals: She lost to Catherine Parenteau in the <a href="https://youtu.be/nRJjo3OYLjc" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">semifinals</a> at the Florida Open; she lost to Hurricane Tyra Black in the <a href="https://youtu.be/VU9E5mgcPvc" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">quarterfinals</a> at the Takeya Showcase, and she withdrew from the Hertz Gold Cup (at Daytona Beach).</p> <p><strong>Doubles:</strong> Waters was undefeated in Women’s Doubles. She won ten times with Catherine Parenteau, including the last five tournaments of the year, and seven times with Anna Bright. The 17 gold medal matches were against 14 different teams.</p> <p><strong>Mixed Doubles:</strong> Waters won 16 times in 17 tournaments, facing nine different teams in the finals. She won 15 titles with Ben Johns and one with Jack Sock (<a href="https://youtu.be/44CdbtxKjSI" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">North Carolina Open</a>). Her only loss was to Jorja and JW Johnson in the quarterfinals at the Arizona Grand Slam.</p> <p><strong>Active Streak in Doubles:</strong> Waters has won 19 titles since her last Doubles loss at the DC Open in October 2022.</p> <p><strong>Active Streak in Mixed Doubles:</strong> Waters has won 14 titles since her last Mixed Doubles loss at the Arizona Grand Slam in February.</p> <p><strong>Greatness in Gold Medal Games:</strong> Waters won 88% of the games she played in gold medal matches, compiling a record of 121-17. She was remarkably consistent, winning 85% of her games in Singles, 89% in Doubles, and 88% in Mixed Doubles. She also won 87% of the first games in her 46 gold medal matches, not including winning the Mixed Doubles by default at the PPA Championships in Las Vegas.</p> <p><strong>Triple Crowns:</strong> Waters won 13 Triple Crowns, including a record-tying six straight tournaments. She had three “Immaculate Triple Crowns,” i.e., not losing a game on Championship Sunday, at the Masters, the Cincinnati Open, and the PPA Finals. </p> <p><strong>2024:</strong> Waters has 20 Career Triple Crowns and 88 career titles entering 2024.</p> <h5 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>BEN JOHNS: </strong></h5> <p><strong>Medals:</strong> Johns won 39 gold medals, 2 silvers, and 1 bronze, including his 100<sup>th</sup> career PPA title. He averaged 2.29 gold medals per tournament played in 2023. </p> <p><strong>Singles:</strong> In 16 tournaments (there was no Singles event at the Newport Beach Doubles Shootout), Johns won 11 gold medals against six different opponents. He also earned a silver, losing to Federico Staksrud in the final at the Cincinnati Open.</p> <p><strong>Doubles:</strong> In 17 tournaments, Johns won 13 gold medals (12 with Collin Johns, and one with Matt Wright while Collin was injured.) The titles came against five different teams. The Johns brothers also won a silver medal at the Takeya Showcase, losing in the <a href="https://youtu.be/3fJFU6O4qWs" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">final</a> to Dylan Frazier and JW Johnson. </p> <p><strong>Mixed Doubles:</strong> In 17 tournaments, Johns won 15 titles with Anna Leigh Waters against eight different teams. He also earned a bronze with Andrea Koop at the Newport Beach Doubles Shootout in April. The Johnsons kept Waters/Johns off the podium at the Arizona Grand Slam in February.</p> <p><strong>Longest Active Streak</strong>: Johns has won eleven Mixed Doubles titles since he won a bronze medal with Andrea Koop at the Newport Beach Doubles Shootout in April.</p> <p><strong>Greatness in Gold Medal Games: </strong>Johns won 81% of the games he played in gold medal matches, compiling a record of 105-24. He was remarkably consistent, winning 78% of his games in Singles, 76% in Doubles, and 89% in Mixed Doubles. He also won 82% of the first games in his 41 gold medal matches, not including winning the Mixed Doubles by default at the PPA Championships in Las Vegas. </p> <p><strong>Triple Crowns:</strong> Johns won a career-high nine Triple Crowns in 2023. One of those was an “Immaculate Triple Crown:” He did not lose a game on <a href="https://youtu.be/zS4dqYxpp3I" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Championship Sunday</a> at the Denver Open. </p> <p><strong>2024: </strong>Johns has 20 career Triple Crowns and 109 career titles entering 2024.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/the-abcs-of-2023/">The ABC’s* of 2023</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/the-abcs-of-2023/">The ABC’s* of 2023</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3578</post-id> </item> <item> <title>2024 rule changes you should know about</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/2024-rule-changes-you-should-know-about/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 19 Dec 2023 20:24:00 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[2024 pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[2024 ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[2024 rule changes]]></category> <category><![CDATA[All-Access]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Paddles]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[usa pickleball rule changes]]></category> <category><![CDATA[usap rule changes]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/2024-rule-changes-you-should-know-about/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>There were 92 rule changes proposed to USA Pickleball for 2024, but just one almost everyone in pickleball has a strong opinion on. And USA Pickleball has told us we’ll<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/2024-rule-changes-you-should-know-about/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/2024-rule-changes-you-should-know-about/">2024 rule changes you should know about</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/2024-rule-changes-you-should-know-about/">2024 rule changes you should know about</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <p>There were 92 rule changes proposed to USA Pickleball for 2024, but just one almost everyone in pickleball has a strong opinion on.</p> <p>And USA Pickleball has told us we’ll just have to wait.</p> <p>A rule changing traditional side-out scoring to rally scoring is still “pending” as the Board of Directors has decided to “collect more data before making a final decision.”</p> <p>While the Board debated rally scoring vs. traditional scoring, and there were plenty of comments by board members, <a href="https://rules.usapickleball.org/entry/1214/"> all of which you can see here</a>, there were a number of other factors that went into the decision to wait.</p> <p>Meanwhile, 27 new rules were put in place for the upcoming year. Now, a lot of them are minor corrections, several of them are just slight word changes, but there are a few worth noting:</p> <ul> <li>Rule 7.L has been updated and 11.A has been updated with the word “deliberately” taken out. Rule 7.L is the “Carry Rule” and 11.A is the “Double Hit” rule.</li> </ul> <p>Any “Carry” is now a fault, whether it’s done on purpose or by accident, as the word “deliberate” was taken out of the rule. Now, the referee doesn’t have to decide the intent of the player’s shot. If it happens, it’s a fault. “Double hits” are still permitted as long as it happens in one, continuous motion. Rules 3.A.1 and 3.A.8 explain the differences between a “Carry” and “Double hit.”</p> <ul> <li>Players may now use any remaining timeouts to add on to a medical timeout.</li> </ul> <p>If an injured player is granted a medical timeout, a “regular” timeout can be used to extend the time to return to play. The 2023 rule was ambiguous, suggesting a player must retire if he or she couldn’t return after an injury timeout.</p> <ul> <li>In tournament play, in a non-officiated match, players are now able to go to the head referee or tournament director if they feel their opponent’s paddle is illegal in any way. </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Rule 11.E has been amended. In tournament play, a replay of a completed rally is permitted if a ball is cracked or broken.</li> </ul> <p>All players must agree the cracked or broken ball affected the outcome of the rally. Again, it has to be a completed rally. If the ball is damaged or just “soft,” no replay of the rally is awarded.</p> <p>If you’d like to look at all the specifics and all the changes and non-changes proposed for 2024, you can do that. <a href="https://rules.usapickleball.org/">Check out all the details here</a>. </p> <p>Are you interested in suggesting a rule change for 2025? If so, there’s a process you can be a part of. The rulebook cycle begins in March, and any USA Pickleball member can submit a suggestion. The rule suggestions are then debated and voted on by the USA Pickleball Rules Committee and the USAP Board of Directors.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/2024-rule-changes-you-should-know-about/">2024 rule changes you should know about</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/2024-rule-changes-you-should-know-about/">2024 rule changes you should know about</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3577</post-id> </item> <item> <title>Eleven PPA “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023 Pt. 2</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/eleven-ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023-pt-2/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:14:01 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[2023 medal count]]></category> <category><![CDATA[All-Access]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Anna Bright]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Anna Leigh Waters]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Ben Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Catherine Parenteau]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Dylan Frazier]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Gabriel Joseph]]></category> <category><![CDATA[jack sock]]></category> <category><![CDATA[James Ignatowich]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Jorja Johnson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[JW Johnson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Lea Jansen]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Lucy Kovalova]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Marietta Wright]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Matt Wright]]></category> <category><![CDATA[medals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Meghan Dizon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Players]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Riley Newman]]></category> <category><![CDATA[standings]]></category> <category><![CDATA[stats and facts]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tyra Black]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tyson McGuffin]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/eleven-ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023-pt-2/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>Part Two: Medals and Standings Triple Threats: Which male players finished the year ranked in the Top Ten in all three categories: Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles? Ben Johns (1-1-1,<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/eleven-ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023-pt-2/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/eleven-ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023-pt-2/">Eleven PPA “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023 Pt. 2</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/eleven-ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023-pt-2/">Eleven PPA “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023 Pt. 2</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Part Two: Medals and Standings</strong></h4> <p><strong>Triple Threats: Which male players finished the year ranked in the Top Ten in all three categories: Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles?</strong></p> <p>Ben Johns (1-1-1, respectively)</p> <p>Tyson McGuffin (3-10-6)</p> <p>JW Johnson (5-3(tie)-4)</p> <p>Dylan Frazier (9-3(tie)-7)</p> <p><strong>Triple Threats: Which female players finished the year ranked in the Top Ten in all three categories: Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles?</strong></p> <p>Anna Leigh Waters (1-1-1 respectively)</p> <p>Catherine Parenteau (2-2-5)</p> <p>Lea Jansen (3-7-8)</p> <p><strong>Did you know…Riley Newman won Mixed Doubles medals this year with <em>five </em>different partners? </strong></p> <p>Jessie Irvine, Anna Bright, Allyce Jones, Parris Todd, and Lindsey Newman.</p> <p><strong>Did you know…Vivienne David played in the Women’s Doubles Finals this year with <em>five </em>different partners?</strong> </p> <p>Meghan Dizon, Etta Wright, Lacy Schneemann, Jackie Kawamoto, and Anna Bright.</p> <p><strong>2023 First-Time Men’s Gold Medalists:</strong></p> <p>Dylan Frazier (Doubles)</p> <p>James Ignatowich (Singles, Doubles, Mixed Doubles)</p> <p>Gabriel Joseph (Singles)</p> <p>Brendon Long (Doubles)</p> <p>Jack Sock (Mixed Doubles)</p> <p><strong>2023 First-Time Women’s Gold Medalists:</strong></p> <p>Hurricane Tyra Black (Singles)</p> <p>Salome Devidze (Singles)</p> <p>Meghan Dizon (Doubles)</p> <p>Jorja Johnson (Mixed Doubles)</p> <p>Etta Wright (Doubles)</p> <p><strong>Which players won gold medals in Singles, Doubles, and Mixed Doubles this year?</strong></p> <p>James Ignatowich</p> <p>Ben Johns</p> <p>JW Johnson </p> <p>Tyson McGuffin</p> <p>Catherine Parenteau</p> <p>Anna Leigh Waters </p> <p>(Simone Jardim is the only other player to have accomplished this previously).</p> <p><strong>The Gold Standard: Only five players have won gold medals every year since the PPA started tracking results in 2020:</strong></p> <p>Ben Johns</p> <p>Lucy Kovalova</p> <p>Tyson McGuffin</p> <p>Riley Newman</p> <p>Matt Wright</p> <p><strong>Doubles teams with the most gold medals in 2023:</strong></p> <p>15: Ben Johns and Anna Leigh Waters.</p> <p>12: Ben Johns and Collin Johns.</p> <p>10: Catherine Parenteau and Anna Leigh Waters.</p> <p> 7: Anna Bright and Anna Leigh Waters.</p> <p> 5: Dylan Frazier and JW Johnson.</p> <p><strong>The Golden Girl:</strong></p> <p>Anna Leigh Waters’ 47 medals this year were all gold medals. She did <em>not </em>win gold only four times: Mixed Doubles at the Arizona Grand Slam (L), and Singles at the Florida Open (L), Takeya Showcase (L), and Hertz Gold Cup (withdrew). Waters was undefeated in Women’s Doubles. </p> <p><strong>The Century Mark:</strong></p> <p>Ben Johns earned his 100<sup>th</sup> career PPA title, winning the Men’s Doubles Final (with Collin Johns) at the Cincinnati Open. Johns won more than 10 titles in each of the three disciplines, (Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles,) in 2023.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/eleven-ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023-pt-2/">Eleven PPA “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023 Pt. 2</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/eleven-ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023-pt-2/">Eleven PPA “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023 Pt. 2</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3536</post-id> </item> <item> <title>PPA Tour “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/ppa-tour-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 12 Dec 2023 15:33:36 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[2023 pickleball stats]]></category> <category><![CDATA[AJ Koller]]></category> <category><![CDATA[All-Access]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Allyce Jones]]></category> <category><![CDATA[anna leigh water]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Anna Leigh Waters]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Ben Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Callie Smith]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Catherine Parenteau]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Championship]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Collin Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Collin Shick]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Connor Garnett]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Dylan Frazier]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[James Ignatowich]]></category> <category><![CDATA[JW Johnson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Lauren Stratman]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Lea Jansen]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Lucy Kovalova]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Matt Wright]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour tournaments]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Riley Newman]]></category> <category><![CDATA[statistics]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Thomas Wilson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournaments]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tyson McGuffin]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Yana Grechkina]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/ppa-tour-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>Gold Medal Matches In numerical order: 11: Catherine Parenteau trailed Lea Jansen 0-5 in the decisive Game Three of the Women’s Singles Final at the National Indoor Championships, then she won eleven<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023/">PPA Tour “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/ppa-tour-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023/">PPA Tour “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Gold Medal Matches</strong></h4> <p><strong>In numerical order:</strong></p> <p><strong>11:</strong> Catherine Parenteau trailed Lea Jansen 0-5 in the decisive Game Three of the Women’s Singles Final at the National Indoor Championships, then she won eleven points on eleven serves to claim the title.</p> <p><strong>12:</strong> There were only 12 rallies in Game Three of the Men’s Doubles Final at the Tournament of Champions. A side-out, then a rare first-server “pickle.” (James Ignatowich and Tyson McGuffin defeated AJ Koller and Riley Newman).</p> <p><strong>29:</strong> Ben Johns’ 29 clean winners in the Men’s Doubles Final at the Orange County Cup was the most by a player in any gold medal match this year.</p> <p><strong>30:</strong> Collin Shick, the #30 seed in Men’s Singles at the Florida Open, reached the Final and won a game before losing to Ben Johns.</p> <p><strong>34:</strong> There were 34 offensive lobs hit in the Women’s Doubles Final at the National Indoor Championships (Lucy Kovalova and Callie Smith defeated Lea Jansen and Allyce Jones), including 20 by Kovalova. That was the most in any Doubles Final this year. At the PPA Finals broadcast, Dave Fleming predicted the offensive lob would be “the shot of the year for 2024.”</p> <p><strong>50+: </strong>There were nine rallies of 50 shots or more in the Men’s Doubles Final at the Cincinnati Open. (Ben Johns and Collin Johns defeated Dylan Frazier and JW Johnson). The longest rallies there were 79, 78, and 69 shots. </p> <p><strong>53:</strong> There were 53 clean winners in the Men’s Singles Final at the Atlanta Open. (JW Johnson defeated Connor Garnett). These players had 27 and 26 clean winners, respectively, the two highest totals this year in a Singles Final.</p> <p><strong>97: </strong>There was a 97-shot rally in Game Four of the Men’s Doubles Final at the Arizona Grand Slam, the longest in any Doubles Final this year. (Ben and Collin Johns defeated Riley Newman and Matt Wright.) Honorable mention to the 94-shot rally in the Women’s Doubles Final at the National Indoor Championships.</p> <p><strong>115: </strong>The fewest shots in a game in a Doubles Final this year. Game Three of the Women’s Doubles Final at the North Carolina Open had 115 shots in 14 rallies. (Catherine Parenteau and Anna Leigh Waters defeated Yana Grechkina and Lauren Stratman). </p> <p><strong>737: </strong>The 13 men playing in the Men’s Doubles Finals in the first seven tournaments of the year made 737 consecutive serves without hitting one out.</p> <p><strong>1,022: </strong>More than one thousand shots in<em> one</em> game? Yes: Game Four of the Men’s Doubles Final at the PPA Finals. (Ben Johns and Collin Johns defeated Riley Newman and Thomas Wilson). Is 1,022 a high total? There were several Women’s and Mixed Doubles Finals that had <em>fewer</em> shots in their <em>entire</em> matches. By the way, this match <em>averaged</em> 15.9 shots per rally.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/ppa-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023/">PPA Tour “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/ppa-tour-stats-and-facts-headlines-from-2023/">PPA Tour “Stats and Facts” Headlines from 2023</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3518</post-id> </item> <item> <title>Looking back to the weekend, looking ahead to 2024</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/looking-back-to-the-weekend-looking-ahead-to-2024/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 05 Dec 2023 20:35:21 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[2024]]></category> <category><![CDATA[All-Access]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Anna Bright]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Anna Leigh Waters]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Ben Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Catherine Parenteau]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Championship]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Christian Alshon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Collin Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[doubles]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Federico Staksrud]]></category> <category><![CDATA[James Ignatowich]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Jorja Johnson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[JW Johnson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Lea Jansen]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Players]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2024]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Riley Newman]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Singles]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournaments]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Vivienne David]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/looking-back-to-the-weekend-looking-ahead-to-2024/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>The end of the 2023 PPA season finished like it started. Without a surprise. What did we learn from this past weekend’s Tour Championship? And what should we expect in<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/looking-back-to-the-weekend-looking-ahead-to-2024/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/looking-back-to-the-weekend-looking-ahead-to-2024/">Looking back to the weekend, looking ahead to 2024</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/looking-back-to-the-weekend-looking-ahead-to-2024/">Looking back to the weekend, looking ahead to 2024</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <p>The end of the 2023 PPA season finished like it started.</p> <p><em>Without a surprise.</em></p> <p>What did we learn from this past weekend’s Tour Championship?</p> <p>And what should we expect in 2024?</p> <h5 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Women’s singles</strong></h5> <p>What we saw: Total domination. Anna Leigh Waters won again. OK, not a surprise. She lost just one match all season in singles, to Tyra Black, and wrapped up the year with 15 titles, beating Catherine Parenteau Sunday in San Clemente, Calif. </p> <p>What’s going to happen in 2024: Waters isn’t going anywhere and to suggest she won’t continue her dominant ways would be foolish. But with the merger of the PPA and MLP, we will start to see new faces and new styles in women’s singles. That means more Salome Devidze, Megan Fudge, Jenna Hessert, and others who could step up and challenge Waters. Of course, Parenteau, who had a match point against Waters in Dallas at the National Championships, isn’t any slouch either. Lea Jansen, who has said she won’t be playing any more singles, had a fantastic season in 2023. We’ll see if she changes her mind and makes a return to the discipline.</p> <h5 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Men’s singles</strong></h5> <p>What we saw: No. 1 Ben Johns did it again. He lost his opening match on Thursday and then was perfect after that, beating Christian Alshon in three games on Sunday to take the title. It was the third win of the day Sunday for Johns and his 11th of the season in singles.</p> <p>What’s going to happen in 2024; Certainly, Johns will head into next season as the player to beat, but his grip on the event isn’t a stranglehold. There are plenty of challenges, including Federico Staksrud, who won gold three times, finished second five times, and finished third twice.</p> <p>How deep is the talent pool? In addition to Johns here are all the winners in singles in 2023: James Ignatowich, Staksrud, Tyson McGuffin, J.W. Johnson, and Gabriel Joseph. Meanwhile, Alshon, Connor Garnett, Collin Shick, Jaume Martinez Vich, Jay Devilliers, and Pablo Tellez were all multiple medalists. And if you add in that we may see Hunter Johnson, Chris Haworth, and a few other big names from the APP Tour, singles should be extremely competitive in 2024.</p> <h5 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Mixed doubles</strong></h5> <p>What we saw: Another tournament, another win for the best two players in the game. Waters and Johns won again and did so after losing their first match on Friday morning to Ignatowich and Anna Bright. Waters and Johns beat Jorja and J.W. Johnson in the final in three games, 11-1, 11-3, 11-4. </p> <p>What’s going to happen in 2024: Waters and Johns are the best team in the world. There’s no doubt about that. They were undefeated in 2022 and won 16 titles. The question is who is the next-best team? Ignatowich and Bright seem to be the frontrunner. They beat Waters and Johns on Friday and won a gold, three silvers, and three bronze medals for the season. Riley Newman, who didn’t win gold in any discipline since before this summer, has teamed up with a number of partners and has had a lot of success, including winning a title with his D.C. team in Major League Pickleball. Newman medaled with Jessie Irvine, Parris Todd, Lindsey Newman, Allyce Jones and won a gold with Anna Bright back in January.</p> <p>Are there any players who can make a stronger case for challenging Waters and Johns? The best bet would be the consistent pairing of the Johnsons – J.W. and Jorja. The brother-sister duo has a gold this year and has seven medals in all, including two silvers in a row to finish the year.</p> <h5 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Women’s doubles</strong></h5> <p>What we saw: Another win for Waters and Parenteau. The two were unbeaten this season and wound up with 11 titles together in 2023. The two won the final event of the season over Vivienne David and Anna Bright in three games.</p> <p>What’s going to happen in 2024: This can definitely be a Bright start. Partnered with Waters, she won seven golds. Bright also medaled six other times with six different partners, an impressive accomplishment that shows Bright’s versatility. She also had an MLP win and an MLP runner-up with her team, the Orlando Squeeze. </p> <p>One other name, but two players to watch, is Kawamoto. Jackie and Jade have had success on both the PPA and MLP stages. They are formidable together, as well, finishing second to Waters and Parenteau back in September. </p> <h5 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Men’s doubles</strong></h5> <p>What we saw: Thirteen titles this year, 26 titles overall. Of course, the season ended with another win by the Johns brothers. Only makes sense. They went unbeaten in pool play and lost just a single game to Thomas Wilson and Newman in the final, taking the championship.</p> <p>What’s going to happen in 2024: Watching Newman will be key. If he can find a partner to settle on, you have to figure out who will be the best team. The most drama of the year circulated around Newman when he made his decision to split with long-time partner Matt Wright back in July. Since then, Newman hasn’t won gold. Neither has Wright.</p> <p>Newman and Wilson made a good pairing this past weekend, running to the final before losing and Dylan Frazier and J.W. Johnson are set for a solid year, as both of them regularly play together. Another pairing that’s gained some ground this season is Staksrud and Tellez, who, like the Johns brothers and Frazier and Johnson, don’t play with other partners. </p> <p>Ignatowich is one of the most dynamic players in the game, and if he becomes exclusive with a partner in 2024, he’s a name to watch for.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/looking-back-to-the-weekend-looking-ahead-to-2024/">Looking back to the weekend, looking ahead to 2024</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/looking-back-to-the-weekend-looking-ahead-to-2024/">Looking back to the weekend, looking ahead to 2024</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3514</post-id> </item> <item> <title>Newman beats Wright in last matchup between the two of 2023</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/newman-beats-wright-in-last-matchup-between-the-two-of-2023/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 03 Dec 2023 19:56:04 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Championship]]></category> <category><![CDATA[cibc ppa tour finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[CIBC PPA Tour Finals 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[James Ignatowich]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lifetime]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Lucy Kovalova]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Matt Wright]]></category> <category><![CDATA[men's doubles]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Riley Newman]]></category> <category><![CDATA[san clemente]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Thomas Wilson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Vivienne David]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/newman-beats-wright-in-last-matchup-between-the-two-of-2023/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>In a season of drama on the PPA Tour, both on and off the court, the Matt Wright-Riley Newman soap opera is still going on. A day after Wright and<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/newman-beats-wright-in-last-matchup-between-the-two-of-2023/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/newman-beats-wright-in-last-matchup-between-the-two-of-2023/">Newman beats Wright in last matchup between the two of 2023</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/newman-beats-wright-in-last-matchup-between-the-two-of-2023/">Newman beats Wright in last matchup between the two of 2023</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <p>In a season of drama on the PPA Tour, both on and off the court, the Matt Wright-Riley Newman soap opera is still going on.</p> <p>A day after Wright and partner Lucy Kovalova knocked out Newman and Vivienne David and the courtside music blared Taylor Swift’s, “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” Newman and partner Thomas Wilson got a bit of revenge on Wright and his partner James Ignatowich.</p> <p>It’s not just a soap opera. It’s the Neverending Story.</p> <p>After a very public breakup back in July, Newman announced he and Wright would no longer be playing alongside each other – this despite the fact the two were clearly the second-best team in all of pickleball, winning 11 medals together since October of 2022 and four golds in a in a five-tournament span. Yet, they lost to Ben and Collin Johns 10 times in gold medal matches.</p> <p>So, Newman made his announcement on Instagram and the talk dominated the pickleball scene in a summer of discontent. </p> <p>And here we are at the end of the season – the PPA’s Tour Championship – and the two faced each other two more times in a 24-hour span.</p> <p>There was gesturing and talking from Wright on Friday in his pool play win in the mixed doubles bracket. It was all smiles from Riley on Saturday in men’s doubles.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“Oh, let’s not start something here,” Newman said after the 11-7, 11-8 semifinal victory which pushed he and Wilson into the Sunday championship against the Johns brothers and pushed Wright and Ignatowich out of the tournament.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“I needed this one for my sanity,” Newman said, clearly not taking his own advice of “starting something.” And without prompting, Newman continued on. “If I had lost that one heading into the offseason, I don’t know if I would have played pro pickleball.”</p> </blockquote> <p>Possibly a bit dramatic, but, hey, breakups will do that to people. Some go out and find a new partner. Some people cut their hair or get a new wardrobe. In Newman’s case, it’s been a process. He’s yet to find gold in either men’s or mixed doubles since the split. He has won a silver and two bronze medals in mixed doubles and a silver and a bronze in men’s doubles. Meanwhile, Wright has won a gold, getting back together with Ben Johns in August for a reunion while Collin Johns was injured. Wright earned a silver in mixed doubles with Kovalova in July. </p> <p>But it’s not like either has thrived without the other. </p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“We had a heck of a run the last year and a half,” Newman said. “But at the end of the day other teams started to figure us out and we were getting second and third places. I want to enter and try and get first place. That’s the main goal, and I know some people, in public or social media gave me a lot of flack for it, but I trust my family and friends and they gave me the best advice.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“That was a huge one today.”</p> </blockquote> <p>And Sunday we’ll get to see if Newman gets that breakthrough against the Johns, who have dominated 2023. </p> <p>The Johns went 3-0 in pool play and then beat Federico Staksrud and Pablo Tellez in the semifinals. Ben Johns will be playing for three titles Sunday, in singles as well as in mixed doubles with partner Anna Leigh Waters.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/newman-beats-wright-in-last-matchup-between-the-two-of-2023/">Newman beats Wright in last matchup between the two of 2023</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/newman-beats-wright-in-last-matchup-between-the-two-of-2023/">Newman beats Wright in last matchup between the two of 2023</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3511</post-id> </item> <item> <title>First round not kind to Johns again</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/first-round-not-kind-to-johns-again/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 02 Dec 2023 17:19:56 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Anna Bright]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Anna Leigh Waters]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Ben Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Championship]]></category> <category><![CDATA[cibc ppa tour finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[CIBC PPA Tour Finals 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[James Ignatowich]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Jorja Johnson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[JW Johnson]]></category> <category><![CDATA[lifetime]]></category> <category><![CDATA[mixed doubles]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[san clemente]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournaments]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/first-round-not-kind-to-johns-again/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>Kind of a weird pattern Ben Johns is slipping into here at the PPA Championships. It’s the same thing two days in a row now. Another early round loss for<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/first-round-not-kind-to-johns-again/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/first-round-not-kind-to-johns-again/">First round not kind to Johns again</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/first-round-not-kind-to-johns-again/">First round not kind to Johns again</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <p>Kind of a weird pattern Ben Johns is slipping into here at the PPA Championships.</p> <p>It’s the same thing two days in a row now. Another early round loss for Johns, Friday’s a much more rare situation, and another comeback, albeit not a surprise at this point.</p> <p>Johns lost in his first match of the day for the second day in a row, this time with partner Anna Leigh Waters, and for the second day in a row, Johns didn’t lose again, making it out of group play and making it to a Championship Sunday.</p> <p>Maybe Johns can make it a triple crown of first-round flubs when he and partner Collin Johns get started in the men’s bracket here in San Clemente at the end-of-the-season Championships on Saturday.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“It was the same thing,” Johns said with a smile after he and Waters beat Lucy Kovalova and Matt Wright in the <a href="https://youtu.be/WECTL6zFwpc">semifinals</a>. “It’s not something you want to do, but with this format, it’s not insurmountable.”</p> </blockquote> <p>The friendly – well, at least to Johns – format is group play with the top teams advancing in the four-team group. Thursday, Johns lost his singles opener to Connor Garnett. Friday, he and Waters lost to James Ignatowich and Anna Bright, but then rolled off a pair of wins before getting into the medal round. It was only the second time Johns and Waters have lost a mixed doubles match together this season.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“We were coming out for some redemption, just in general,” Waters said after the slow start.</p> </blockquote> <p>Now, to their credit, playing a team like Bright and Ignatowich in a first match of the day isn’t exactly something Johns and Waters are used to. There’s no easing into a tournament when all of the teams are among the top eight on tour.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“You just have to put your head down and focus,” Johns said.</p> </blockquote> <p>Thursday, Johns survived pool play thanks to the points-differential tiebreaker. Friday, he and Waters went 2-1, which was good for second. In the other pool, there was a three-way tie at 2-1 and Riley Newman and Vivienne David were the odd team out, thanks to having the weakest points-differential. </p> <p>James and Jorja Johnson earned the top seed in the group, going 2-1. They beat Bright and Ignatowich, 8-11, 11-7, 11-9 in the <a href="https://youtu.be/CstQaQmtp60">semifinals</a> and will take on Waters and Johns on Sunday.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“I’m glad we were able to close it out, “ Jorja Johnson said of getting out of group play on the tiebreaker. “We tried not to think about the points and said, ‘Whatever happens, happens.’”</p> </blockquote> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/first-round-not-kind-to-johns-again/">First round not kind to Johns again</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/first-round-not-kind-to-johns-again/">First round not kind to Johns again</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3510</post-id> </item> <item> <title>Johns rallies, earns spot in finals</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/johns-rallies-earns-spot-in-finals/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 01 Dec 2023 15:40:02 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Anna Leigh Waters]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Ben Johns]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Catherine Parenteau]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Championship]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Christian Alshon]]></category> <category><![CDATA[cibc ppa tour finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[CIBC PPA Tour Finals 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[PPA]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/johns-rallies-earns-spot-in-finals/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>After losing his first match of the day, Ben Johns was in a situation he wasn’t quite used to. Well, for one, any time Johns has lost in previous tournaments,<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/johns-rallies-earns-spot-in-finals/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/johns-rallies-earns-spot-in-finals/">Johns rallies, earns spot in finals</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/johns-rallies-earns-spot-in-finals/">Johns rallies, earns spot in finals</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <p>After losing his first match of the day, Ben Johns was in a situation he wasn’t quite used to.</p> <p>Well, for one, any time Johns has lost in previous tournaments, he hasn’t had any more commitments that day. It’s the way the PPA works. Lose and you’re done. Come back next time. Try again.</p> <p>But Thursday, in the PPA Tour Championship in San Clemente, Calif., playing in a unique format, Johns lost in his first match and then had to do some adjusting. </p> <p>Unsurprisingly, he figured things out. After falling in the opening round of pool play to Connor Garnett, Johns rallied with wins against Jay Devilliers and then needed to do some more math before beating Christian Alshon.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“It’s about bouncing back,” Johns said. “It’s unusual to play someone of Connor’s caliber in the first round. It’s a grind.”</p> </blockquote> <p>Johns, Garnett, Devilliers and Alshon made up one of the two, four-person pools put in place for this year’s Tour Championship. The top two out of each of the pools moves on to the medal round, and after Johns was beaten by Garnett 14-12, 11-6, losing an 8-3 lead in the first game, Johns knew he not only needed to win his final two matches, but he had to have some help, too.</p> <p>Johns, Garnett and Alshon all went 2-1 in pool play, but it was Johns and Alshon who advanced to the medal round, thanks to the third tiebreaker of point differential. Alshon beat Garnett, Garnett beat Johns and Johns beat Alshon, setting up the three-way tie. </p> <p>Johns had a point differential of plus-11, Alshon was next at 10 and Garnett had plus-two.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“In this format, I knew point differential was really going to matter,” Johns said. “Game three made me a lot more focused because I knew the points were important. When every point counts and you’re focusing on every ball, I feel like you play better overall. It’s hard to maintain that focus always, but in that game when I needed it, it came.”</p> </blockquote> <p>Johns beat Devilliers 12-10, 11-3, but needed three games to beat Alshon, 5-11, 11-7, 11-1. </p> <p>Meanwhile, in the second pool, Federico Staksrud went 3-0 and Tyson McGuffin went 2-1 in the preliminary rounds setting up a <a href="https://youtu.be/RGiLiFtDslA">Johns-McGuffin matchup</a> and a <a href="https://youtu.be/Yh0osXJPCTc">Staksrud-Alshon match</a> in the other semifinal.</p> <p>Johns advanced 11-2, 11-7. In the other match, Alshon rallied in an improbable fashion, falling 11-2 in the first game and getting behind 7-0 in the second game, before stunningly overtaking Staksrud, taking the second game 14-12 and then winning the third 11-0.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"> <p>“Statistically it was not looking good,” Alshon said. “But I wasn’t out of the fight.</p> </blockquote> <p>That sets up a rematch for Sunday’s final with Alshon and Johns.</p> <p>On the women’s side, the top four seeds each advanced to the medal round and it will be Anna Leigh Waters taking on second-seeded Catherine Parenteau in the final. The two last played in the final at the National Championships in Dallas at the beginning of December. While Parenteau had several match points, Waters won in three games. </p> <p>Thursday, Waters lost her first game in matches against Judit Castillo and Mary Brascia, but flipped both into three-game wins. Parenteau was perfect in all three of her matches, not losing a single game and Waters got by Irina Tereschenko in the semifinals while Parenteau beat Brascia.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/johns-rallies-earns-spot-in-finals/">Johns rallies, earns spot in finals</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/johns-rallies-earns-spot-in-finals/">Johns rallies, earns spot in finals</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3508</post-id> </item> <item> <title>It’s official: Pickleball is now a “BLIMPWORTHY” sport</title> <link>https://www.sfapickleball.org/its-official-pickleball-is-now-a-blimpworthy-sport/</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Sfapickleball]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:42:18 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Anna Leigh Waters]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Catherine Parenteau]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Finals]]></category> <category><![CDATA[goodyear]]></category> <category><![CDATA[goodyear blimp]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Jay Devilliers]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Just for Fun]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[pickleball]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa 2023]]></category> <category><![CDATA[ppa tour]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournament]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Tournaments]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.sfapickleball.org/its-official-pickleball-is-now-a-blimpworthy-sport/</guid> <description><![CDATA[<div> <p>For the first time ever, the Goodyear Blimp is set to appear overhead at a Professional Pickleball Association (PPA Tour) tournament PPA Tour and Goodyear celebrate with first-ever Pickleball match<br /><a class="button button--tertiary button--icon-right" href="https://www.ppatour.com/its-official-pickleball-is-now-a-blimpworthy-sport/">Read more</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/its-official-pickleball-is-now-a-blimpworthy-sport/">It’s official: Pickleball is now a “BLIMPWORTHY” sport</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div> The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/its-official-pickleball-is-now-a-blimpworthy-sport/">It’s official: Pickleball is now a “BLIMPWORTHY” sport</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div> <p class="has-text-align-center"><em>For the first time ever, the Goodyear Blimp is set to appear overhead at a Professional Pickleball Association (PPA Tour) tournament</em></p> <p class="has-text-align-center"><em>PPA Tour and Goodyear celebrate with first-ever Pickleball match in a blimp</em></p> <p><strong>SAN CLEMENTE, California, Nov. 30, 2023</strong> – For more than 65 years, the Goodyear Blimp’s presence at a sporting event has signaled the magnitude of the game as it’s known for only showing up to the greatest matchups.</p> <p>On Sunday, Dec. 3, the Goodyear Blimp is scheduled to enter the airspace above the Life Time Rancho athletic resort in San Clemente, California, where the best Professional Pickleball Association (PPA Tour) players will compete in the CIBC PPA Tour Finals. This will mark the first time the Goodyear Blimp will provide aerial coverage for a professional Pickleball tournament and officially designate the sport and the PPA Tour as “Blimpworthy.”</p> <p>To commemorate this moment for the sport, PPA Tour athletes Anna Leigh Waters, Catherine Parenteau and Jay Devilliers joined Goodyear Blimp pilots on Wednesday for a flight on the blimp to play the world’s smallest Pickleball match in the sky, as well as a pop-up Pickleball match at Goodyear’s airship base in Carson, California with the blimp looking on.</p> <p>With an average growth rate of 158.6% over the last three years, Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America with more than 36.5 million players. The Carvana PPA Tour is the pro tour of Pickleball, where the sport’s top athletes go head-to-head to determine the best male and female players in the world.</p> <p>“The Goodyear Blimp’s appearance at the CIBC PPA Tour Finals, the culmination of a thrilling season, is a symbol that Pickleball is officially entering the ranks of other professional sports – that we have arrived,” said Connor Pardoe, Founder and CEO of the PPA Tour. “We are thrilled to celebrate in this exciting moment for the sport as a whole and the PPA Tour this weekend with players and fans alike.”</p> <p>Since 1955, the Goodyear Blimp has been providing stunning aerial views of stadiums across the country, revolutionizing the way fans experience sporting events. To date, the blimp has provided aerial coverage for more than 2,000 sports and entertainment events.</p> <p>“We have a saying: if it’s a big event, the Goodyear Blimp is there,” said Chris Kostiuk, director, Goodyear Airship Operations.</p> <p>“The Goodyear Blimp’s appearance at the final PPA tournament of the year is a fitting tribute to the sport’s growing popularity,” he added.</p> <p>During the on-ground and in-air matches, both pilots and players donned a special line of Pickleball shoes designed by Skechers, the official shoe and sponsor of the PPA Tour. A natural complement to this collaboration, Skechers’ Pickleball shoes are designed with non-marking outsoles made with Goodyear Gold rubber technology. Built for increased durability and enhanced traction, the inclusion of Goodyear rubber allows the elite player to perform controlled slides on Pickleball court surfaces. In a nod to this unique collaboration among the three brands, Skechers is offering fans nationwide a chance to obtain a special offer announced during Sunday’s CIBC PPA Finals tournament broadcast.</p> <p>Weather permitting, aerial coverage provided by the Goodyear Blimp for Sunday’s matches can be viewed on FS1 beginning at 3 p.m. PST.</p> <p>For more information on the blimp’s whereabouts, visit <a href="https://www.goodyearblimp.com/news-and-events/schedule.html">GoodyearBlimp.com</a>.</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/its-official-pickleball-is-now-a-blimpworthy-sport/">It’s official: Pickleball is now a “BLIMPWORTHY” sport</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.ppatour.com/">PPA Tour</a>.</p> </div>The post <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org/its-official-pickleball-is-now-a-blimpworthy-sport/">It’s official: Pickleball is now a “BLIMPWORTHY” sport</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.sfapickleball.org"></a>.]]></content:encoded> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">3498</post-id> </item> </channel> </rss> <!-- Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. 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