SFAP Leagues 2023

There are some changes from previous league sessions, please carefully read ALL the detailed information below. The ladder league committee strives to provide ladder league play opportunity to the maximum number of people at the most desirable times; however, individual facility requirements/restrictions/and availability present real limitations in what can be done.

League Participation Information
1. You must be a Sioux Falls Area Pickleball Club member to participate in these ladder leagues.
2. If you know prior to registration that you will be gone for more than two (2) sessions of any league, you may not register for that league. You may, however, sign up as a substitute.
3. Players will need to notify designated site coordinators in a timely manner when they will require a substitute. Players will not secure their own substitutes.

League Registration Information
1. Payment is required at the time of registration. Cost is $40 per league.
2. Initially, you may only register for one of the two leagues.
3. If registrations for a particular league don’t reach the maximum number of allowable participants, participants will be allowed to register for a second league.


Women’s SFAP League – Click to Register
Sunday Women’s League – 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Starts October 1st and will end on November 19th
League Participants will not miss more than 2 League Nights
Location: Linwood Wesleyan Church, 1101 E. 57th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Cost is $40/Person
24 Member Slots

Mixed SFAP League – Click to Register
Sunday Mixed League – 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Starts October 1st and will end on November 19th
League Participants will not miss more than 2 League Nights
Location: Linwood Wesleyan Church, 1101 E. 57th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Cost is $40/Person
24 Member Slots


It’s fun! Playing with people around your skill level is a great way to improve your game. The points tend to last longer and are more intense than in open play. It’s also nice knowing who you are going to be playing with and not having to wait to get in a random game. While it is competitive and may not be for everyone, I can’t recommend it enough to newer players to the game!

Each week you will be assigned to a court with three other players. You will play three games, one with each player straight up to 15. You will record the score after each game on the score sheet that is provided. After all games are completed and scores are tabulated, the player with the most points will move up a court and the player with the fewest points will move down a court the following week. The other two players will remain on the same court. The most points a single player can get on one night is 45 (If they win all three games.). There are two sessions each night and three games typically takes between 60-75 minutes to complete.

Leagues work best if participants have near perfect attendance. Finding substitutes is the biggest challenge for the League Manager. If you know ahead of time that you will miss more than two dates then you should sign up to be a substitute.

If you can’t commit to playing every week but would like to fill in if needed, fill out this form and indicate that you are interested in being a substitute.

Please email if you have any questions or would be interested in helping out on league nights.

Carla Dedula
League Manager


ALSO, You should know..

Huether Family Match Pointe League Play


Huether Family Match Pointe is also providing a Pickleball League as well! It is great to see more opportunity for those wanting more league play options! 


3.0+ Wednesday 9-10:30am
3.0+ Tuesday 8-10 pm
3.0+ Wednesday 7:30-9:30 pm


Fall Pickleball Leagues start September 26! Registration is now open. Each league is open to the first 16 players to register. Permanent court times for pickleball are available. Any questions regarding Pickleball at the Pointe should be directed to Pickleball Director Mike Thelen at mike@playthepointe.com.

Register Now


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